How To Perfect The Art Of Approachability In 3 Ways

How approachable are you? Do you emanate a sense of warmth that empowers others to come talk with you? Or do you find yourself giving off vibes that warn people away?

Approachability is an essential trait for professionals—particularly for leaders—as it enables them to connect with their colleagues to understand their concerns and build strong relationships based on trust and respect. Approachable leaders create a positive work culture that fosters collaboration, communication and creativity. Being approachable also has personal benefits, such as increasing your likability and improving your social skills. When people feel comfortable approaching you, they are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas, which can lead to new opportunities and insights.

If you find your people skills to be lacking, brush up on your approachability. Here are a few easy tactics to try.

1. Make yourself available.

A great tactic for improving your approachability is to adopt an office hours policy. Consider university professors, who often have regular office hours on a weekly basis so students can come in and talk about the class or other related topics. Because these meetings don’t have formal agendas, students can be in charge of the conversation.

Set up a system in which you block off a couple of hours on your calendar for your team to come talk with you informally about whatever is on their mind. Communicate this idea to them. They may not always take you up on it, but knowing the opportunity is there can garner confidence. As a side benefit, it can help reduce the number of impromptu hallway conversations you find yourself in. “Come see me during office hours and we’ll discuss!” is the line you can use to implement your approachability within the boundaries and time limits you set for yourself.

2. Address people using their names.

Sometimes, leaders can forget how vital being seen is for employee happiness. In a busy world where we have so much on our minds, it can be so easy to give out an impersonal “Hey” when you run into someone at work or out in the world. So taking that extra step and using their name can really be meaningful.

Are names not your strength? There are hacks you can use! For example, in a team meeting, say something like”Some of us are newer here and may not know everyone. Let’s take a second for introductions.” Of course, you can always just be honest and say, “I know most of you, but I would like to have a refresher on everyone’s name before we begin. I will start.” That transparency and desire to know everyone will garner goodwill.

At larger events, ask people to wear name tags. Another trick is to spend 10 minutes alone before the event running through the list of attendees and trying to place faces to names. You can also ask a socially savvy colleague to help you with it. Even if you can’t put a face to a name, you may be able to eliminate any awkward pronunciation issues when first meeting someone.

Though names may not always seem important, they truly matter. Knowing and using the names of people you encounter will help showcase your approachability.

3. Show up.

In far too many companies, high-level leaders are rarely seen except for once a year at the holiday party. Despite your busy schedule, make sure you’re taking a noticeable interest in your company at all levels, whether that’s with a stroll through the lunch room or a tour of the warehouse.

If you’re a leader who travels to multiple offices across the United States or even internationally, stick around for a bit. Don’t just pop in, make your presentation and leave immediately. Take time to socialize at lunch or coffee hour afterward—without any agenda. Those informal moments are a great opportunity for someone to gather up the nerve to approach and make an introduction.

Approachability is a key factor in cultivating a positive leadership presence. Brushing up on your people skills will be beneficial to your career—and your company—in the long run.

This article has previously been featured on Forbes

Make Time For Big-Picture Thinking

As a business leader, one of your principal roles is to guide your team to achieve big-picture goals. To do that, finding time to regularly step back and reflect on those objectives is crucial. Those pauses for reflection allow leaders to maintain their eyes on the target, take stock of a team’s current position and reorient if necessary to successfully accomplish the plan.

Finding Time

Constant emails, phone calls, meetings, questions from team members, admin and other day-to-day responsibilities can really eat up your time and distract you from big-picture thinking and revision.

Effective time management is key. Be choosy when accepting meeting invitations. Try to determine the reason for the meeting and if your attendance is necessary to achieve results. If not, politely decline and ask for minutes if you want them. If your input is required for a meeting, maintain a “hard out” in an attempt to keep things concise.

Place recurring non-negotiable blocks of time on your calendar that you can take for the purpose of big-picture thinking. If you don’t schedule it and make it a priority, it will not happen.

In order to make space for those blocks of time, delegate smaller tasks to capable team members. If you are not accustomed to delegating, it can be overwhelming at first and may require time and training. To delegate tasks more effectively, identify the job and provide clear-cut instructions to the delegated team member. Check back in only occasionally to ensure that the work progresses. With reliable professionals taking on smaller projects, you are freed up to redirect your attention to higher-priority matters.

When To Evaluate

Most leaders conduct an annual or semi-annual review of their employees. This might be a great starting benchmark for analyzing a team’s progress toward its goals.

However, the frequency with which you review your big-picture goals throughout the year may depend on company size or the complexity of your goals. If your business plan is multifaceted with each department’s goals intertwined, you may want to take more frequent pauses to step back and analyze progress and next steps.

Company-Wide Objectives

In an ideal scenario, the CEO will establish and communicate company-wide goals with a specific timeline to all upper-level leadership from the very beginning. Setting intentions from the start is vital.

Once a company-wide goal is in place, CEOs must then check in with their team to make sure that all department heads are on the same page and consistently working toward the overarching goals of the business. Armed with the information of big-picture goals, those department leaders can in turn create department-level plans and objectives for their teams that support the main business goal.

A savvy leader will pause on a regular basis to analyze their team’s role and progress in achieving the larger goal. In doing so, your team can be more versatile and can pivot according to changes in the market or internal factors that might affect your plans. That flexibility can enable you to still achieve objectives despite the unexpected—resulting in ultimate success.

This article has previously been featured on Forbes

The Role Of Humility In Confident Leadership

During the length of your career as an executive leader, you will most likely have seasons of extreme confidence when you seem to be cruising along and doing everything right. Then suddenly, you’ll encounter some rocky ground that puts you on unsure footing, and you won’t know where it’s safe to step or in which direction to move.

Those moments are very normal, but more than that, they’re crucial. Being a confident leader actually requires having a little bit of humility.

Confident Leadership Is A Balancing Act

Naturally, confidence is fundamental in management. A confident executive presence, which involves having a clear vision and certainty about goals, can create trust and boost credibility. Once a manager has a well-defined objective, they can assemble the team and communicate those objectives to everyone involved. After all, a group will follow their leader on a journey with more optimism if they know there’s a clear destination in mind.

However, some leaders put too high a value on their own opinion. They can then fall into the pit of arrogance, which is detrimental to the success of their team. That’s why humility is a necessary quality for strong leaders. In my experience, some of the best leaders aren’t the smartest people in the room. They are, however, wise enough to harness the brainpower of their collective teams. For example, perhaps you have a rough plan to achieve your goals, but there are some gray areas you aren’t sure how to navigate. If you show humility and ask for advice and input from your team, you’ll receive the proper information to make better choices.

Being modest and encouraging input will lead to your team feeling honored and respected. Being a humble leader will show you believe in your team and that their opinions and knowledge matter. This creates a highly productive and supportive workplace. In fact, a survey conducted by Harvard Business Review found that employees who felt respected were 55% more engaged.

How To Be More Humble

Leaders can show humility in several different ways.

Of course, asking for advice or help is a major step. Another way to be humble is to master the art of listening. When in meetings, put your phone or other potential distractions away so you can dedicate 100% of your focus to the conversation. Make eye contact with speakers and focus on what they’re communicating. Once you’ve absorbed the information, ask follow-up questions that demonstrate you’re interested in knowing more. Do not interrupt unless necessary.

Be mindful of how you communicate. Use polite, courteous language when assigning projects or discussing your team’s performance. Show appreciation for an employee’s effort, even when edits need to be made. Give credit where it’s due, and acknowledge the contributions of everyone involved at the end of a project.

The doubts that pop up in your head as a leader can be completely normal. In fact, they can make you a better leader because they force you to ask questions and examine issues that an overconfident person might overlook or ignore. Humility in day-to-day interactions with your team will garner better interpersonal relationships, teamwork and decision-making. It will also help you achieve the end goals in which you are most confident.

This article has previously been featured on Forbes

How To Adapt Your Leadership Style For The Challenges Of The Modern Business World

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all type of role. Effective leaders can come in all forms. Charismatic legends like Steve Jobs, Jack Welch or Oprah Winfrey may spring to mind, but their style is only one type of leadership technique available to you.

In today’s business world, leaders are running into challenges due to the changing landscape of the workforce and the varying expectations that teams hold for their managers. Navigating those tensions can be difficult but attainable. In fact, facing these challenges is imperative if you want to keep your leadership style relevant.

Here’s how to confront and adapt your leadership style to meet the demands of the modern business world:

Align your perception with reality.

The first step is self-awareness. Take the time to write out a self-evaluation. Describe what you think your leadership style is, making sure to include strengths and weaknesses, as well as how you believe others see you. Ask a trusted colleague to write a similar evaluation of you. Next, compare your self-evaluation with theirs and see if and where there may be discrepancies. Those areas are the perfect places to discuss and dig deep to help you better understand your current leadership style.

Next, think about how you want to grow. Were the discrepancies you discovered in the self-evaluation exercise an indicator that your leadership style is not what you thought? Does it outline places for growth? Focus on them, and write out your personal goals for improvement or for taking your leadership style in a different direction.

Know your people.

Your leadership style might also need to change and adapt depending on the people you are leading. Some team members might like receiving clear marching orders and then go off to get their work done. Others might prefer to know the “why” of certain tasks and do their best work when they feel like part of a team. Though you should not make drastic flip-flops in your leadership style, it is important to know your team and how they like being led. Having that information will make your job much easier and more efficient.

Account for outside pressures.

Of course, there are also outside pressures that can affect how you lead in any given situation. A project may be time-sensitive, so taking time for lengthy meetings or wide-ranging team feedback is not feasible. You may have a vision for the outcome of a task but are not clear on how to achieve it, so you need to ask the experts on your team for guidance.

As a leader in the modern business world, you will find yourself in situations that require you to adapt your leadership style slightly to achieve success. A Harvard Business Review article suggests preparing for those moments by developing a portfolio of micro-behaviors you can employ when the situation demands you use a different style.

Admittedly, it is not an easy feat on one’s own. Try asking for feedback from your team or hiring a leadership coach to help you navigate the tricky waters of leadership in today’s business world. Only by understanding yourself, your team and the various challenges in the workforce that you may face can you prepare accordingly and excel as a leader in the modern era.

This article has previously been featured on Forbes

Setting Your Team Up For Success When You Are Out Of The Office

How comfortable are you being out of the office? Between conferences, sick days, vacations or family emergencies—there are several reasons why you might need to be unreachable for a period of time. When you are absent, are you nervous that disaster is imminent? Are you thinking about the daunting number of emails and phone calls you’ll have to respond to upon your return?

You’re not alone. Leaders can be pulled in a lot of directions and feel the need to put out every single fire. However, good managers know how to set up an office environment that won’t break down every time they step out of the building.

Setting Up The Office Machine

The first step to setting your team up for success when you are out of the office is to prepare them while you are present. Think of your team as a sleek well-oiled machine. There are lots of cogs and pieces that need to be put in the right place to be at their most effective. There may be bugs to iron out. Team members may require occasional maintenance and an instruction manual—documents and guidelines to consult when troubleshooting unexpected issues.

Delegation and efficient problem-solving are major aspects of getting the machine up and running. Many team leaders feel the need to solve every problem themselves, but they are setting themselves up for failure because it simply can’t be one person’s job. Therefore, many of the minor difficulties should be delegated.

Discuss different types of problems that may arise on a day-to-day basis. Define them and practice problem-solving on all levels so that you can leave with confidence knowing that less-significant issues will be dealt with in the correct way.


When it is time for you to leave, make sure that you communicate your absence to the right people—preferably everyone that you may interact with on a day-to-day basis. If it’s a sudden absence, an OOO automatic email response may be sufficient, but try to include when you expect to be back. Your team will be less nervous about your departure and less likely to bother you if they have a date in mind when they know they’ll be able to reach you.

When taking a vacation, do your best to time it so that important team projects are not at a crucial stage when your input is most needed. While that may not always be possible, settle as much as you can before you leave. Let your team know that any other major decisions can be discussed when you get back and lay out parameters for decisions that you feel confident they can make themselves.

Always clearly communicate the team’s work priorities and expectations while you are away. While arranging for a leave of absence can require some preparation, training your team to be more self-sufficient can make your time both in and out of the office more manageable.

This article has previously been featured on Forbes